What is Ultherapy? FAQ

What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is an FDA approved non-surgical treatment that uses ultrasound energy to counteract the effects of aging and gravity. It’s the only therapy that combines both imaging and therapy to produce a see and treat device.

How does Ultherapy Work?

As with other ultrasound procedures a non-invasive transducer is placed on surface of the skin producing an image on a screen allowing us to focus the ultrasound energy in a precise manner ensuring that the energy is delivered where it will be most productive. Ultherapy specifically targets the same tissue doctors address with surgical facelifts. This is all done while bypassing the surface of the skin leaving it intact and unaffected. The ultrasound energy will cause a contraction of the underlying tissue resulting in lifting and tightening. A gradual tightening and firming of the skin’s foundation will take place resulting in a natural lifting and toning of the skin over the next several months. In addition, the ultrasound energy will stimulate new collagen production. Collagen is a natural protein that gives skin its youthfulness by keeping it firmed, toned and elastic. As we age, collagen loses its elasticity and its ability to stand up to the effects of gravity that pull the skin downward. All of this can be achieved without any downtime. Patients will be able to resume their normal activity immediately after the procedure.

Is Ultherapy Surgery?

No. Unlike a face lift Ultherapy is a non-invasive procedure that addresses the supporting layers below the skin. There is no cutting or disruption to the surface of the skin. Patients will be able to resume their normal activities immediately.

Who is a Good Candidate for Ultherapy?

Good candidates have skin that is looking relaxed and less firm. Ultherapy can help loose or sagging skin of the neck, jawline (so called jowls), drooping brow, eyelids and those nagging fine lines below the eyes. It is a good alternative for those patients not ready for surgery.

What can I expect afterwards?

There are no special measures you need to follow after your Ultherapy session. Your skin may appear a bit flushed immediately after the treatment but this should disappear within the next few hours. It is possible to develop some tingling for a few weeks after the procedure but this is mild and temporary in nature. There is a possibility of some mild bruising and numbness afterwards but these are uncommon and again temporary in nature

What Kind of Results can I expect?

With just one treatment the body’s regenerative response will be initiated resulting in a lifting, tightening and firming of loose sagging skin resulting in a more youthful appearance. The process will begin immediately after the procedure and build gradually over the next several months. Results can be seen with just one treatment although some patients, depending upon the degree of sagging, may benefit from additional treatments.

What Does it Feel Like?

There can be some discomfort during the procedure while the ultrasound energy is being delivered but it is temporary and a signal that the collagen building process has begun. Comfort levels can vary from patient to patient and there are a number of measures that we can take to make the procedure well tolerated. Patients will not have any lingering discomfort after the procedure has been completed.

How long does the treatment take?

A full face treatment takes approximately 60 minutes and a partial face treatment or brow treatment usually takes around 30 minutes.

Is Ultherapy Safe?

Ultrasound energy has a proven track record with over 50 years of use in medicine and clinical trials have demonstrated its safety in this usage.

Can Men have it done?

Yes. This is a procedure, which can benefit both men and women equally.

How is Ultherapy different from Lasers?

Lasers typically address issues in the superficial layers of the skin (e.g. fine lines, wrinkles, pigment changes). Ultherapy addresses the deep skin layers and foundational layer addressed in cosmetic surgery that lift and lend support the skin. Therefore the two technologies are quite complementary.

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